对于B来说.A. 或B.S. 学位, students are required to take 11 courses in psychology and one in biology or neuroscience (BIOL 140 或BIOL 182L or NESC 120) and earn a grade of C- or better in each. Any student who must repeat a required course to attain the required grade of at least C- will be allowed only one opportunity to do so. Students should consult with their adviser to choose a set of courses that is consistent with the students’ goals and that offers broad exposure to the discipline of psychology, 以及在一个或多个不同子领域的深度. 我们强烈鼓励心理学专业的学生选修人文学科的相关课程, 艺术, 以及自然科学和社会科学,它们会加强他们感兴趣的心理学主题和问题. 学生应按下列制度安排课程作业:

基础课程:PSYC 101. 心理科学导论,PSYC 221L. 研究设计与分析,PSYC 261. 脑与行为,生物工程学报,140. 生物工程学报(英文版). 《全球最大的网投平台》,简称NESC 120. 神经连接是必修的基础课程. 建议学生在大二结束前完成这些课程, 但必须在大三结束前修过心理心理学261.

核心课程:学生必须完成三门核心课程,其中两门必须包括实验. PSYC 261和PSYC 332的实验室可以计入实验室要求. (参见下面高级课程部分的实验课程参考.) The core course requirement is designed to provide students with a multifaceted perspective on human behavior. 因此,我们鼓励学生从心理学的不同子领域学习课程. 学生不能将270年心理学和PSYC 273都算作核心课程. 以下核心课程可以满足这一要求:

  • 226年心理学. 社会心理学*
  • 255年心理学. 认知心理学*
  • 270年心理学. 临床心理学或PSYC 273. 精神病理学(原变态心理学)
  • 293年心理学. 感知*
  • 295年心理学. 儿童发展*
  • * 这些课程通常有实验室.

Advanced courses: Students must complete three advanced courses that have as prerequisites core courses from the section immediately above. Students are required to select these courses from three different categories listed below (listed A through H). 一个课程可以出现在多个类别中. The psychology prerequisites that apply to an advanced course within a specific category are in parentheses. The Writing Intensive Part II requirement is fulfilled by one of the following advanced courses in categories A through G below. 以下高级课程适用:

A. 神经科学

  • 302年心理学. 行为神经科学(261)
  • 心理学/ NESC 320. 跨生命神经科学(261或NESC 201)
  • 339年心理学. 发展精神病理学(261)
  • 心理学/ NESC 364. 神经精神药理学(261或NESC 201)
  • 365年心理学. 认知和社会神经科学(261)
  • 392年心理学. 人类神经心理学(261)

B. 社会/人格

  • 315年心理学. 发展与文化(226)
  • 324年心理学. 刻板印象、偏见和歧视(226)
  • 346年心理学. 群体间关系(226)
  • 384年心理学. 文化心理学(226)

C. 认知

  • 334年心理学. 心灵的边界(255或293)
  • 350年心理学. 执行功能(255)
  • 365年心理学. 认知和社会神经科学(255)
  • 392年心理学. 人类神经心理学(255)

D. 发展

  • 315年心理学. 发展与文化(295)
  • 327年心理学. 家族过程(295)
  • 339年心理学. 发展精神病理学(295)

E. 临床

  • 327年心理学. 家庭进程(270或273)
  • 339年心理学. 发展精神病理学(270或273)
  • 344年心理学. 成瘾行为的评估和治疗(270或273)
  • 370年心理学. 心理治疗(270或273)
  • 375年心理学. 精神病的发生、进展和治疗(270或273)

F. 评估

  • 心理学332升. 心理评估(221L及其他四门心理学课程)

G. 感知

  • 334年心理学. 心灵的边界(255或293)
  • 348年心理学. 集中注意力:注意心理学(293)


  • 205年心理学. 神经科学,学习和记忆
  • 206年心理学. 环境心理学与可持续性
  • 207年心理学. 发育性残疾和心理健康
  • 212年心理学. 景观规划和大脑环境教育
  • 219年心理学. 幸福的科学与实践
  • 236年心理学. 青少年心理学
  • 243年心理学. 新兴的意识科学
  • 244年心理学. 人类性行为
  • 248年心理学. 自然与大脑健康
  • 265年心理学. 药物与行为
  • 294年心理学. 法医心理学
  • 390年心理学. 研究实习
  • 399年心理学. 独立学习
  • 490年心理学. 研究助理职务
  • 消费品安全委员会352年. 人工智能
  • 工程师311. 中枢神经系统电生理学
  • HFPR 201. 健康研究员计划:健康护理主题
  • 248年音乐. 音乐心理学
  • NESC 101. 大脑
  • NESC 103. 青少年与吸毒
  • NESC 205. 神经元,学习和记忆
  • NESC 305. 两位
  • NESC 325. 荷尔蒙与社会行为
  • RELG 260. 冥想、医学和心灵

我们会不时增加新的课程或取代上述课程. Students should consult with the chair concerning courses taken at other institutions or other matters pertinent to requirements for the major.

顶点/高级项目:满足高级练习要求, students must complete one senior seminar (PSYC 401 in the fall or 402 in the spring) or a year-long senior thesis. In exceptional cases the chair may allow students to substitute for these options an internship in which they engage in research. Students who choose the internship option must secure written approval from the chair and the faculty internship supervisor before commencing this activity.

  • 高级研讨会:每个高级研讨会, 一学期课程, will adopt an integrative perspective to examine major issues in several different subdivisions of psychology. The purpose of the seminar is to give students the opportunity to discern common themes that give coherence to psychology. 做好适当的准备, students should have completed the three core courses and most of the other requirements of the major.
  • 毕业论文: The senior thesis is a two-semester research project sponsored by a member of the psychology department. The senior thesis also entails enrollment in the two semester Senior Thesis Colloquium with a prospectus presentation during the fall and a final presentation to the psychology department in the spring, 并在5月初的全学院研究研讨会上进行了海报展示.


实习: The College’s beautiful campus in a metropolitan setting offers the opportunity for testing cutting-edge theories and practices learned in the classroom. 信誉最好的网投十大平台离康涅狄格州法院系统只有几个街区, as well as city offices and health-care providers—such as 哈特福德 Hospital and Connecticut Children’s Center and the Institute of Living—ensuring rich ground for internships and independent study and research in walking distance of the College. 例如, 生活研究所的实习工作包括对青少年进行教学和咨询, involvement in a variety of research studies on different aspects of mental health and the testing of individuals with brain damage using fMRI. Classroom experience is also enhanced by collaboration with the community through Community Learning, 在社区心理学等课程中, 儿童发展, 人类神经心理学, 老年心理学以及各种大一和大四的研讨会.

研究了当前位置心理学系鼓励其专业学生努力学习. 经过周密的计划,如果大多数学生愿意的话,外出学习是可能的. Students wishing to count psychology courses from an approved study-away site must get the approval of the chair of the 心理学 Department. 通常, the department will allow up to two courses to be counted toward the major—one course from the core category and one course from the specialized category.

研究的机会:信誉最好的网投十大平台本科生在课程中与教师进行研究, 课程实验室, 独立研究, 研究助理, 夏天的研究, 跨学科科学项目(isp -一年级入门项目), 以及高级论文. These research opportunities often result in joint conference presentations or publications with faculty. Research conducted during the school year is presented in the all-college research symposium poster session in early May. 夏季研究报告在9月发表.

荣誉心理学平均成绩不低于B+的学生, 总平均成绩达到B或更高, 六门课程(每门至少一学分), taken at Trinity’s 哈特福德 campus) toward the psychology major with a grade of A- or better (excluding PSYC 498-499) are eligible for a program in which they might earn the distinction of honors in psychology. 要以优异成绩毕业,学生必须注册PSYC 498-499,并获得a -或更高的成绩. Students must also enroll in the two-semester Senior Thesis Colloquium (PSYC 491-492) and receive a grade of P. 荣誉 students will present a preliminary account of their work during the fall semester and a summary of their thesis results during the spring semester to the psychology department. They must also present their work at the all-college research symposium poster session in early May. 荣誉 students will present a summary of their thesis at a departmental meeting during the spring semester. Students who believe that they have attained eligibility for honors should consult with their adviser during the spring semester of their junior year to plan for enrollment in PSYC 498-499. The two course credits earned from this sequence fulfill the requirements for the senior exercise and the specialized course.